It's 2018 already!

So 2016 passed, and then 2017 and it's now 2018. Life just goes faster the older you get... Time for some updates.

update time!

So I decided to give a pause on A Glass of Lores - starting out building a full blown RPG and engine as my first project maybe wasn't very smart. The story keeps refining slowly on my Google docs... But, cool thing. I started to make a new game! And I am NOT making an engine this time.
This game is Future Flashback and I've been screaming a lot about it on social networks, so if you never heard about it, please click through the website, there is a lot of material there.
I usually throw a single thing I made or some instruction here, but instead I will just flow through some things...

book I've read: Driving Results through Social Networks by Robert J Thomas

It states the need to align the culture of an organisation with its business strategy, and the importance of finding the influencers in the company social network. It also presents the hypothesis that innovation usually arrives from teams instead of a single person, so to favour innovation you have to have more teams, and offer the idea that if people in the organisation can have more connections, you have a bigger flow of ideas that are possible to come to fruition - you need a multitude of disciplines to generate good profitable innovation.
Also the network will have people working against innovation, which is important to take note. Also a risk is presented when a single person gets too many connections but accepts all incoming demands, becoming a bottleneck in the network. One interesting passage attribute the managers the work of exception-handlers, and so the less exceptions and more routines the organisation encounters, less managers will be necessary.

Creepy writing

Some years ago, I've read Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes , which talks about writing fieldnotes from observed behaviours, experiences and interactions with people and between people. I found this a good hobby for when I am alone travelling, eating and only have my phone, so I take the opportunity to write about some relation I see around me. My Google Docs file where I write this is called Everyday Scenes. Here is an excerpt:
The woman waits patiently. Sit shrunked in her chair, she swipes throgh group conversations in her phone. The man she was waiting appears, and sits besides here. She doesn't realize he is there until he touches her neck. She breaks from her phone. From their gestures, they appear late to the cinema, and they rush on the movies direction. They looked very happy.

Coding things

Future Flashback is made in Adventure Game Studio, so lots of recently things have been AGS related. You can skim through either my github profile or my brand new portfolio page. That page is made using Jekyll, I used a prebuilt theme and just customised some details, which is why I was able to create it in a weekend.

I want to write more here! Hopefully before 2019! 

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