Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Today I enrolled for the
gamification course on
Coursera. It's a regular course with homeworks and tests, the video lectures are awesome and I also bought the book already.
Which also reminds me that I have a ton of things to write in here about some other books that I've already read on Kindle. I will let survival of the fittest decide which project will see daylight.
So I leave this, from
Why School?: How Education Must Change When Learning and Information Are Everywhere (Kindle Single) by Will Richardson:
One of the challenges I give the schools I work with is this: “How can you make sure that every student who walks on graduation day is well Googled by his or her full name?”
On a side, the gamification definition from the FTW book.
Gamification: the use of game elements and game-design techniques in non-game contexts.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Is it possible? Has anyone ever tried?
looking at a
bacteria right now, just downloaded 2.8MB of ATCG madness. Wondering if DNA is a regular language.
XKCD Time Strip
I want to download all the pictures featured on the time strip. I think that the image name is cryptic using Skein. But, there is an easy way: people are uploading the drawings on the XKCD Wikia. So I installed wget on Windows8. Tried this without success. Any ideas?
for ($i=50; $i -le 55; $i++)
{wget --wait=1 -r -P . -A png "$i.png"}
The png images downloaded are corrupted.
This code may be old. please follow here to the most up-to-date version:
Yes, a way to use a table to search the Carbohydrate-Active enZYmes Database. Below the Python 2.7.3 script.
Copyright 2014 Érico Porto
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
import httplib
def findEnzymeInCazy(enzyname):
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("", 80)
conn.request('GET', "/search?tag=4&recherche=" + enzyname)
lines = conn.getresponse().read().split('\n')
for i,line in enumerate(lines):
if ( '<tr><td><a href="' in line ):
linkLine = lines[i]
j = linkLine.find( '"' ) + 21
k = linkLine.find( '.html"', j )
return linkLine[j:k] # beteween first and second double quotes
return None
f = open('saida.csv','w')
print("enzima ; rankdomal", file=f)
print("enzima ; rankdomal")
for line in open("enzylist.csv","r"):
pieces = line.split(";")
enzyname = pieces[0].strip()
enzyInCazy = findEnzymeInCazy(enzyname)
if ( enzyInCazy != None ):
print(enzyname.ljust(15) + '; ' + enzyInCazy.ljust(20), file=f)
print(enzyname.ljust(15) + '; ' + enzyInCazy.ljust(20))
print(enzyname.ljust(15) + '; ' + "not found!", file=f)
print(enzyname.ljust(15) + '; ' + "not found!")
So, you will need a file named enzylist.csv for this to work. Here take this:
So if you run it, you should get something like:
python .\
enzima ; rankdomal
BAI68730 ; GH57
BAH05588 ; GH94
ACV62532 ; GH94
EAL90874 ; GH13
ABG47447 ; GH18
ACT04224 ; GH51
So all should be good. Yes I run Python on Windows 8 using PowerShell. Just add the Python folder to the PATH variable, and all should run well - and also, PowerShell is much faster and easy to use than CMD.
Throw the numbers on the browser for going to the gps location. Start researching on the wikipedia about Willian Kid or other pirate.
Meat | -21.53,46.05
Squid | 34.61,137.7
Boat | -28.30,-57.30
Aligator with letter C | -37.85,-25.83
Right now I could find C R and V if I remember correctly.
Small tip on faster learning when audio is required
Use 1.5x speed. Thanks