Farewell Google Reader

So that all got me thinking... Could I do something? So I started messing around with Python... Turns out yes, but will take a little while...

 from __future__ import print_function  
 import urllib2  
 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup  
 f = open('teste.txt','w')  
 page = urllib2.urlopen("http://kotaku.com/5991061/the-best+looking-isometric-games")  
 s = page.read()  
 soup = BeautifulSoup(s)  
 txt = soup.find("div", "post-body").getText()  
 print(txt.encode('utf-8'), file=f)  

So what's my idea? I need some good method to filter and get content from a webpage (usually a blog). Right now I think I will need different codes for different webpages and some way to keep these codes organized. I also need some way to know when any of these pages is updated, which I will use RSS. At the end I want to grab all this and send to my Kindle.

There are paid services right now that do just that. But I know I can probably do something similar from my computer for free.

Oh... And Google search pointed me this using Calibre: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw3jCBQkfWQ

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